Algorithms of automatic monitoring of the parameters electric propulsion systems are considered. The algorithms for detecting jump-like changes in informative signs for different volumes of apriority information and changes of the information signs in a form of the linear trends are presented.

Keywords: electric propulsion system, measurements of the parameters, automatic monitoring, algorithms of monitoring.

It is known that the parameters and characteristics of electric rocket propulsion systems (ERPS) vary with time [1, 3]. Hence follows the problem of automatic monitoring of parameters of subsystems of ERPS in the course of their functioning. For automatic monitoring of parameters of subsystems of ERPS, measurements of informative signs/indicators that characterize the functioning and operability of the system are used.

The model of such measurements can be a sequence of random variables – a one-dimensional random signal X(1), X(2), X(3), …, X(k) or a sequence of random vectors [X(1)], [X(2)], …, [X(k)], a multidimensional discrete random signal, where [X(k)]=[X1(k), X2(k), …, Xm(k)]T; where T is the sign of transposition. Properties of discrete signals and their use for solving forecasting and control tasks are discussed in [2]. It is obvious that the measured signals contain information on the state of the subsystems of the ERPS, and can be used to solve the monitoring tasks.

  1. The problem of detecting the jumps of informative signs of subsystems of the ERPS under normal measurements in the conditions of uncertainty of the initial data.

Suppose that for some informative indicators characterizing the state of the propulsion system, only the mathematical expectation a1 and variance s2 are known.

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